Play… an assignment

I’m in this new online course which is all about creativity and expressing yourself and using online resources to communicate those points. So far it’s been really interesting! We’ve had these homework assignments called Daily Creates and every day we check the assignment (they’re always different) and they just require us to think outside the box and be creative. Sometimes I get homework assignments and I’m all…


And then there are other times and I have a million things going on and then on top of it I have homework and suddenly it’s just…

Image You know?

But it hasn’t been that way with these Daily Creates. I look forward to the opportunity each day to try something new and have a little fun. I’ve even done some thing I never thought I would do and it’s really put me outside my comfort zone. Do you need an example? Well, okay, but it’s really embarrassing so promise not to tell anyone? Alright.

Now that you’ve seen that you never have to bring it up again, okay?

Part of our assignment was to consider the idea of play. We had to consider what exactly play is, how it’s used, and what factors are required to be able to play. Also important are the outcomes of play, which from an educational perspective are very important. One of our examples was a speech by John Cleese where he breaks down how to make your life more creative and what is required to be creative. It’s a great speech to watch (albeit a little lengthy–he’s British) because of the points Cleese emphasizes for creativity… space, time, time, confidence and humor.

Creativity and play are so linked in the sense that they require us to put down our shields that we walk around with every day and get back to our baser instinct of expression. It requires an amount of confidence in yourself to be yourself. Not the “you” that everyone gets to see but the “you” you allow yourself to be when nobody is watching you. One of the reasons I had difficulty with several of these assignments was that I was uncomfortable showing people who I am when I think no one is watching. In truth, every time Bohemian Rhapsody comes on the radio I sing out to it at the top of my lungs. But then I clench up at the idea of doing it on a video and posting it online. Isn’t that funny? I’m not doing anything differently in the video than I would in my car, but for me to play in front of others, it takes a lot of confidence.

3 comments on “Play… an assignment

  1. Exploring the creative aptitude of play seems right up you alley as a camp director. I can imagine that kids really need the space and time to be playful after those long days in the confines of school. Curious if you’d made the connection about the need to play for students of any age — P12 to graduate?

    • We play ALL day at camp. I would say any level of learning, from preschool to lifelong learners, need to be able to play. Learning is more enjoyable when you incorporate play so I think it’s just as important for toddlers playing house as it is for adults taking a thinking break. The brain needs time to absorb what it’s learning so play as a relaxation exercise is an idea to encourage learning. Using play as a method of learning through educational games and activities is another great way to use play in the classroom.

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